Hear From The Lucia Light COmmunity

Case Study: 01
Andy Jacobson
Before The Session
I would consider myself a spiritual person. I’d say for maybe ten years I’ve been into spirituality and other states of experiencing.
I meditate but that’s something that I haven’t kept fully consistent. Life happens and I stray.
I’m not really sure what to expect. It sounds like maybe a meditation tool or aid.
I’d say I’m currently emotionally stable. Pretty chill.
After The Session
I feel like I just woke up from a nap, a really great nap. I feel more relaxed, and I wasn’t really aware of being tense before but I feel just way more relaxed than I was. Now looking back I can tell that I had tension that I didn’t even know was there because now it’s gone.
Someone told me that it was white light, but if I didn’t know that going into it, I would be super surprised. It doesn't make sense because I saw so many colors and the way that I would squint my eyes would change the color. But then out of the periphery the most beautiful images started showing up and changing so quickly. Each one of them was a crazy masterpiece of sacred geometry and color. It’s not a dream and it’s not meditation like I’ve ever done. I've never seen anything like that. With the music playing and the lights on your eyes, there's no room for thought. Those senses are totally more than occupied.
I could see myself using it for meditative purposes, a substitute for drugs. It’s just another curious piece in the mysterious puzzle of life. There’s just so much more than this external reality that we all live in.
I definitely would recommend this experience. I will do it again for sure.

Case Study: 02
Before The Session
I would consider myself a spiritual person. I don’t know if I practice enough, but yes.
I haven’t meditated in quite some time. I used to meditate a lot but I definitely would love to get back into meditating.
From the light experience, I would like relaxation. I have a very stressful life of school and work and I think relaxation is number one and just being able to breathe and take a moment.
Right now my current emotional state is a little anxious. But I have GAD (General Anxiety Disorder) so I always have a little anxiousness in my life, so it’s normal.
After The Session
I don't even think there's a right word. I feel joy and happiness and calm. I’m really comfortable in my skin. The anxiety, I don’t feel it. It’s a joyous thing. It made me smile and giggle.
I saw beautiful colors and meshes of colors that I probably have never seen. The way the colors moved, there was a build up of warm colors and vibrant ones. I didn’t know a color could make you so happy, but it does. It’s incredible. When you’re an anxious person, you just feel this little itch or pain and you just need to move all the time. For once, I didn’t need to move. I felt very comfortable and very warm.
I would love to use it every day. With me being an anxious person, it calms me for the rest of the day. I love it so much.
I would definitely recommend the experience. It was wonderful and one of a kind. From just a light flashing on your face, it changes your mood and makes you feel warm and happy.

Case Study: 03
Before The Session
I would consider myself spiritual, but more on the terms of religion. I believe in God.
I don’t meditate, but I used to meditate when I took a class on the Philosophy of Love in college. I meditated 50 minutes a day for one semester. The meditation experience was pretty hard because you have to be pretty mindful and with the stimulation from cell phones and everything we’re always thinking about what’s next, so it was a bit of a struggle but by the end of the semester I felt like I had it down. I think meditation would be something I would like to get back into with the industry I work in.
The expectations that I have form the light machine? I have none. I saw some pictures on a pamphlet of some shapes and colors. So I’m just going to go with that - shapes and colors.
I’m pretty relaxed right now. You guys are all good people, so no anxiety.
After The Session
I feel like I got eight hours of sleep. I feel very relaxed. Have you ever been to the dentist and they have to give you that silly gas? And then once they give you oxygen again there’s still that lingering feel of the goofy gas. That’s kinda what I feel right now.
I got like a painting or a picture and it was concrete for a second but it just disintegrated into a bunch of colors and shapes. It does surprise me that what I saw was from a white light hovering three feet above my face. It got to a point where I couldn’t tell if my eyes were open or not. To think that this tiny light does that is wild. Because I’d never done anything like this before, I was surprised that I felt so safe. But I also felt this excitement because I had never done hallucinogens or anything like that before.
I would probably do this either after a really stressful week or if I wasn’t getting good sleep due to work or stress. It’s just so calming. It makes me feel like next week won’t be so bad, whatever I have going on will be fine because my current state is so even keel.
I would absolutely recommend this experience. Especially for people who haven’t done anything like this. I don’t know how it compares to doing LSD but it’s hard to put into words how it makes you feel and how you see things while you’re under. But I would recommend it because if you could just feel the way I’m feeling right now then you should definitely do it.

Case Study: 04
Before The Session
I would consider myself a spiritual person. I think I’ve always been that way and now I’m finding it in different ways. I’m experiencing spirituality in new and different ways.
I do currently meditate, but there are so many different techniques, I’m not sure I’ve found the right one for me yet.
I don’t really know what to expect, but I imagine it would be some sort of meditative experience.
I’d describe my current emotional state as being pretty well balanced and happy and being #grateful.
After The Session
I’d describe my current emotional state as blissed out. I feel very relaxed and a little less anxious.
At first I was just so overpowered, I just laughed. These lights would just come toward me then go away from me then go in spirals and change colors. I guess the main thing I feel is relaxed - just total relaxation. You see yourself in the light. That sounds weird to say but you do.
As a yogi and yoga instructor, I think exploring different forms of meditation is interesting and important. I feel like this is a form of meditation so I think the combination with yoga could be a great one.

Case Study: 05
Before The Session
I’m definitely a spiritual person. I’m not necessarily religious, but I’m definitely spiritual. I’ve pretty much always been spiritual. I was raised very Catholic, but in adulthood, I’ve explored Buddhism, I’ve explored different things. I’m always seeking.
I do meditate. I try to do it on a daily basis for 5 to10 minutes when I first get up. I don’t always do it. Sometimes the demands of the day kick in.
What I’m expecting from the experience is surprise. I’m kind of excited because I don’t know a lot about it.
My current emotional state is happiness. It’s a Saturday morning, it’s my birthday, got a great day planned.
After The Session
Pretty joyful. I feel relaxed but at the same time I feel energized and I kinda feel cleaned out. Clean, purified.
The experience that I had was vast, it was very colorful and at times very emotional. I felt as though it was that state of being out of your body and sort of in another realm. For me, it was kind of like the afterlife and I remember just a very brief contact with my father who’s been dead for a long time now. And that was one of the experiences I kinda wanted to hold onto. I felt like my awareness was enhanced, that I was more relaxed, while more alert, which is a great state to be in.
It would be interesting to do it more often. I think the first time you do it there's always gonna be a little bit of a camera on yourself having the experience. You’re kinda logging the experience. It was pretty easy for me to, when I felt conscience thought coming into it, just breathe through it and relax and get rid of it. But it was still there and I think that was because it was the first time. It’s definitely something I would like to revisit.
I would totally recommend the experience. Life is something to be experienced and this is unlike anything that I’ve ever done. Coming out of the experience the energy that I feel is just so much more positive, so much more relaxed, so much more joyful. Why wouldn’t somebody want to try it?

Case Study: 06
Before The Session
I would consider myself a very spiritual person. I think that means something different to everybody, but in my own definition, yes.
I do meditate. Not as frequently as I should. But it’s one of those things like writing in a journal or exercising or something. It’s good for you but you have to make the habit of doing it. So it’s a little bit sporadic but I do it. I love it. It gives me energy and it calms me down.
I have no expectations from the light machine experience, which is probably good. I don’t know what to expect. I’m just down for the ride.
I would describe my current emotional state as relaxed. It’s early, it’s a Saturday. I’m emotionally very mellow.
After The Session
Even more relaxed, deeply kind of slowed down.
I saw lots of colors, lots of lights. Different styles. Sometimes they were fast and fluttering with a lot of different textures and then sometimes it was just one blank yellow, which I loved. It feels like being in sunshine. In terms of meditation, playing with the light is interesting because it distracts you back to the present. If I’m starting to think about something that happened at work two days ago, the light is like a tool to bring you back to the present.
It could be something you do five minutes in the morning or right before bed. I haven’t really thought too much about that, but I could potentially see it being useful as a tool for meditation.
I would recommend the experience, just depending on the person and what you’re looking for and what your sensibilities are. In terms of just taking a few minutes to be calm, I would recommend that to anyone.

Case Study: 07
Before The Session
I was raised in a home where there was a certain amount of organized religion but more spiritual. I would say my whole life I have had a relationship with my own spirituality and the universes.
I had a meditation practice inconsistently for the last decade and pretty consistently for the past three years.
I don’t have any particular expectations from the light machine experience. I’m trying to go in with a sense of openness and curiosity.
I’m pretty happy.
After The Session
My current emotional state is present and happy, a joyful neutrality I think.
What I saw was a sort of kaleidoscope with moving lights and patterns with varying amounts of expansion to them. Sometimes it felt like they were right in front of my eye and I think the best time is when it felt like the light and the sensation was sort of filling my whole head and my whole body. What I felt was probably every emotion. It really cycled through a lot of joy and sadness and nothingness.
I think it would be a great adjunct to my meditation practice. I think I would not want to replace it totally but just as an adjunct to awareness and letting go and just a whole other sensory experience. I think it would be a great addition to any kind of mindfulness meditation practice.
I would definitely recommend the experience. I felt safe and comfortable and that I was in my body but it was just a wonderful kind of sensory mindful experience. I thought it was great. I would definitely recommend it.

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